Other Interesting Reading
ADAM, N. & WILD, M. (1997) Applying CD-ROM interactive storybooks to learning to read. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 13, pp.119-132.
ARIZPE, E. (2001) ‘Letting the Story Out’:Visual Encounters with Anthony Browne’s The Tunnel. Reading Literacy and Language November pp115-119
ARIZPE, E and STYLES, M. (2003) Children Reading Pictures: Interpreting Visual Texts. London: Routledge Falmer
BENSON, C. (1986) Art and Language in Middle Childhood: A Question of Translation. Word and Image 2 pp123-140
BRINDLEY, S. (2000) ‘ICT in Literacy’ in Gamble, N and Easingwood, N (Eds) ICT and Literacy, pp 11-18 London: Continuum
BURRELL, C and TRUSHELL, J (1997) ‘Eye-Candy’ in ‘Interactive Books’ – A Wholesome Diet? Reading 31 (2) pp 3-6
CAMPBELL, R. (2001) Learning from Interactive Story Readings. Early Years, vol 21(2) pp 97-105
CHU, M. (1995) Reader response to interactive computer books: examining literary responses in non traditional reading sessions. Reading Research and Instruction 34, pp. 352-66.
COLLINS, J, HAMMOND, M. and WELLINGTON, J. (1997) Teaching and Learning with Multimedia. London: Routledge
DEJEAN, J. MILLER, L. and OLSON, J. (1997) CD-ROM Talking Books: What do they Promise? Education and Information Technologies 2, pp. 121-130
FREEBODY, P. (1992) ‘A Socio-cultural Approach: Resourcing Four Roles as a Literacy Learner.’ In Watson A.J. and Badenhop, A.M. (Eds) Prevention of Reading Failure, pp 48-60 Sydney: Ashton
GAMBLE, N. (2000) ‘Introduction: New Literacies, New Technologies?’ in Gamble N and Easingwood N (Eds) ICT and Literacy, pp1-8 London: Continuum
GARVEY, J. (2000) ‘Incredibly Creative Tools: using ICT and multimedia.’ in, Fisher, R. and Williams, M. (eds.) (2000) Unlocking Literacy A Guide for Teachers. London: David Fulton.
GOLDSTONE, B. (2001) Whaz Up with Our Books? Changing Picture Book Codes and Teaching Implications. The Reading Teacher, vol 55 (4) pp 362-370
GREENLEE-MOORE, M. and SMITH, L. (1996) Interactive Software: The Effects on Young Children's Reading Achievement. Reading Psychology, 17, pp. 43-64
HIGGINS, N. and COCKS, P. (1999) The Effects of Animation Cues on Vocabulary Development. Journal of Reading Psychology,20, pp. 1-10
KEIFER, B. (1993) The Potential of Picture Books. London: Heinemann
LEWIN, C. (2000) Exploring the Effects of Talking Book Software in UK Primary Classrooms. Journal of Research in Reading 23 (2)
LEWIS, D. (2001) Reading Contemporary Picturebooks. London: Routledge Falmer
MATTHEW, K. (1996) The Impact of CD ROM Storybooks on Children’s Reading Comprehension and Reading Attitude. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, vol 5 (3/4) pp 379-394
MATTHEW, K. (1997) A Comparison of the Influence of Interactive CD-ROM Storybooks and Traditional Print Storybooks on Reading Comprehension. Journal of Research on Computing in Education,29.3
MEDWELL, J., LEWIN, C., SHARP, T. & TAYLOR, C. (1995-1996) The Talking Books Project
MEDWELL, J. (1996) Talking Books and Reading. Reading, April, pp. 41-46
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MILLER, L. BLACKSTOCK, J. and MILLER, R. (1994) An Exploratory Study into the Use of CD ROM Storybooks. Computers & Education. Vol 22 no1-2 pp187-204
MILLER, L. and OLSEN, J. (1998) Literacy Research oriented towards features of technology and classrooms in Reinking, D., Mckenna, M., Labbo, L. and Kieffer, R. (eds) Handbook of
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PLOWMAN, L. (1996) Narrative, Interactivity and the Secret World of Multimedia. The English and Media Magazine, no 35 Autumn
REINKING, D. (1988) Computer-Mediated Text and Comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly vol XXIII (4) pp 486-498
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ROBERTSON, J. (1998) Paradise Lost: Children, Multimedia and the Myth of Interactivity. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, vol 14 pp 31-39
SIPE, L.R. (1998) How Picture books Work.
Children’s Literature in Education 29: pp 97-98
TAYLOR, C. (1994) Teaching reading with talking story books.
Computer Education, 84, pp. 25-6.
UNDERWOOD, J. (2000) The Comparison of Two Types of Computer Support for Reading Development.
Journal of Research in Reading, vol 23 Issue 2 pp 136-148
UNSWORTH, L. (2001) Teaching Multiliteracies Across the Curriculum. Buckingham: Open University Press